KEY FINDINGS PUBLISHED! Report from our 2022 MELAA Engagement, Empowerment, Development Survey

June 15, 2022

Key themes emerge from our analysis of the results

Thank you very much again to all those who completed our recent confidential online survey – MELAA Engagement, Empowerment and Development.

We have now condensed the key themes from our results analysis into the attached pdf for your perusal. Please note that the attached file summarises the overarching themes, with some examples of comments. Of course, all other comments have been duly noted.

We will be using the responses from the surveys to inform the development of ou rupcoming professional and personal development seminars in the coming months. We will keep you posted with all updates regarding these. These will be completely free of charge for all survey respondents to attend.

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions at

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